martedì 30 aprile 2019
KA TAN LA TERRA DEGLI ANTICHI DEI/ANUNNAKI: The #stargate of the #Anunnaki
KA TAN LA TERRA DEGLI ANTICHI DEI/ANUNNAKI: The #stargate of the #Anunnaki: I have been investigating for 23 years most of those phenomena that contrast with the panorama of historical-religious orthodoxy imposed ...
The #stargate of the #Anunnaki
I have been investigating for 23 years most of
those phenomena that contrast with the panorama of historical-religious
orthodoxy imposed on the first communities that settled on the Sicilian island,
revealing all those mysteries that history itself has hidden. It has been a
long and tiring journey through the meanders of history that has allowed us to
bring back to light part of the cultural and religious heritage related to
those communities that, first of all, reached the soil of the eastern Sicilian
side. A wealth of notions, which in the course of Sicilian history have been
rejected by local scholars, because they did not fall within the scientific
parameters of that science which they themselves have circumscribed the
boundaries. Borders that we have deliberately overcome by
using those anthropological aspects defined by classical orthodoxy as marvelous
elaborates of the human mind. Investigating in this vast panorama, where myths,
legends intertwine with the natural evolutionary course of corporate
development and jealously guarded among the most ancient island traditions, we
have been able to develop much more plausible historical conjectures than
certain shaky hypotheses of an orthodox nature. Those same
hypotheses that, for millennia, local and international scholars continue to
support, despite the defections and inconsistencies that the same science has
implemented, to maintain its leadership on history and on corporate
development, allowing religions to creep into the evolutionary choices of the
man. After twenty-three years of research, the over
1000 pages of notes, including dates, traces, connections and historical,
scientific, mythological and legendary plots, covering and re-covering the last
and over 8000 years of the history of mankind, to reach finally, to surprising
truths, so much so as to lead us to maintain that modern man or Sapiens is not
the result of earthly evolution but a modified creature in the image of other
beings, coming from other distant worlds, which in a remote past have colonized
the Earth (see: "The seed of life, divine or alien genesis?",
Xpublishing editions, Rome). In our first book (see "The lost temple of
the Anunnaki", Cerchio della Luna editions, Verona) instead, we have
briefly told the story of these creatures who descended from Earth to heaven,
known at the time of the Sumerians with the epithet of Anunnaki, just because
every trace and clue is historical, scientific, linguistic, astronomical,
legendary and mythological, of the historical past of eastern Sicily, is due,
beyond any reasonable doubt, to the theories expressed by Zecharia Sitchin. We took the secrets hidden between the lines of the ancient mythological
and legendary tales, in the light of the esoteric and messianic aspects linked
to an ancient symbolism of a Masonic nature, awakening the dormant memory
linked to the Sicilian communities of the Simeto valley. In the course of our investigation, difficult and
sometimes frustrating, we came across testimonies and indications that if
interpreted according to a completely different scheme from that adopted by
classical orthodoxy, reveal a completely different story, quite different from
the simplistic beliefs profused by the academicians and by the illustrious
Sicilian scholars, so much so as to allow us to identify the most important
temple of the second millennium BC, dedicated to the Great Mother, in the
territory now falling within the municipal district of the city of Paternò
(CT). We used historical and legendary references of an ancient temple dedicated
to the god Adranòs, whose archaeological findings from the late period,
concerning the worship of this deity, have been brought to light in the
territory of Santo Stefano di Camastra, (municipality located on the
north-western side of Etna in the province of Messina), whose datings carried
out on the archaeological remains however, vary from a find to the other to
demonstrate that the cult to the god Adranòs, among the indigenous populations
of the II millennium BC in Sicily, lasted for a long time, reaching its maximum
religious expression around 1500 BC, a period that strangely coincides with the
first colonizations. To then go into the close connections of the
ancient Sicilian dialect whose transliterations and semantic roots can be
traced back to the Sumerian language. We analyzed the toponyms of districts,
mountains and other geographical and topographical references whose nature can
be seen in the messianic and mystical concepts of a very ancient religious
belief and, as happened for all the other clues and traces, attributable to the
anthropological and cultural baggage arrived on Sicilian soil together with the
first family clans, after the universal Flood, offering a new overview and,
presumably, what were the events that took place in the eastern territories of
Sicily and what were the evolutionary and social dynamics of the first groups
family members who determined the history of Sicily in prehistoric times. Each site involved in our investigation, if taken
separately, does not provide a complete historical picture of the history of
the first communities that settled in the Etnean territory and in the Simeto
valley. In fact, I could not explain to myself what could be the connections
between all these sites and the ancient gods / Anunnaki, and what was the real
reason that prompted the Church of Rome to use the Normans to regain possession
of these territories. So one day, awakening my old technical knowledge and
using an old map of Sicily, I began to combine all the crucial points that
emerged during my long search. I chose the "historic hill" as the
focal point, where, presumably, the ancient temple dedicated to the Great
Mother was located, whose cult prior to the second millennium BC brought
believers from all over the island. I began to draw lines, combining the main
sites: S. Stefano di Camastra (ME), where a temple dedicated to the god Adranòs
was found; the Sanctuary of Tindari, in the province of Messina, whose cult is
dedicated to the Black Madonna. After joining the two sites with a line, I realized
that this segment intersected, strangely, the megalithic site of the Argimusco,
94 now falling in the territory of Montalbano Elicona (ME), one of the most
mystical places on the island, where among the another emerged a strong
energetic connection coming from the intersection of the terrestrial
electromagnetic forces. Then I combined the points between S. Stefano di
Camastra and the Sanctuary of Tindari, and also in this case the segment
intersects the village of Canneto di Caronia, the latter came to the fore a few
years ago due to the strange phenomena of self-combustion of electrical systems
in private homes, whose investigation, carried out at high government levels,
failed, officially, to shed light on these episodes. Intrigued, I continued to
trace and triangulate the entire eastern slope of Sicily, pushing both west and
north, what emerged explains and provides answers to many questions. What is seen in the two previous figures is something shocking: it is what many esotericists define: a double Pentalpha, 95 or a hexagram surmounted by a diamond-shaped rhomboid shape. In this geometric representation, a six-pointed star is distinguished within a hexagon, from whose center emerges a diamond-shaped rhomboid shape. Referring to the terrestrial meridian, which crosses the intersection point having the following terrestrial coordinates N 37 ° 33'59 '' E 14 ° 54'09 '', we note that both figures have a symmetrical inclination, as if one were the mirror of the other. At this point, we asked ourselves if the sum of the two angles (15 ° + 15 ° = 30 °) had an astronomical reference. With the aid of an astronomy program, Stellarium, whose scheme allows us to see the conformation of the sky in different eras, we went back to 1600 BC, a date that emerged following our investigations, from which we suppose it is the arrival of the god Adranòs and the first family groups in the land of Sicily, before the massive waves of colonizations that, according to historians, would have landed on the coasts of the island around 1300 BC. We have chosen a specific date, namely the spring equinox of 21 March 1600 BC, to measure the inclinations of the equatorial plane and that of the ecliptic with reference to the terrestrial coordinates, where presumably the Great Mother temple was located, whose calculations have given the following angles of incidence: for the celestial equator, the correspondence was of an angle at 52.59877d (AP = 0.10924d). For the plane of the ecliptic instead the angle of incidence, compared to the same period was 59.19206d (AP = 359.72298d). Another datum that emerges from the combination of these two figures is the angle that is created between the terrestrial ecliptic and the median axes of the two respective figures, whose measurement opens an angle of about fifteen degrees, while the second figure, diamond-shaped, its vertex points exactly in opposition to the first, creating in turn another angle of about 15 degrees, actually constructing a corner or a celestial sector, in which it circumscribes a portion of the sky enclosed in an overall angle of 30 °. We all or most know, in general, the esoteric meaning of the six-pointed star. In fact, this symbol is thought to come from ancient hermetic treatises, and many initiatory groups and the peoples of the world who have used it, have given it an importance and a different meaning. The shape of the star is an example of the hexagram, an indicative symbol, for all the cultures of the planet. It is obtained by crossing two equilateral triangles (therefore having three equal angles of 60 ° each) and of equal size, one with the vertex facing upwards and the second with the vertex facing downwards. The configuration of this hexagram is to be dated prior to the use made of it by the Jews, and it is plausible that it dates back to the first recognized civilization, ie to the Sumerians. Outside the Jewish system it is mainly used in occultism. Six-pointed stars have also been found as cosmological diagrams in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The reasons behind this common appearance of the symbol in Indian and Western religions are lost in the mysteries of antiquity. One possibility could be that this symbolism has a common origin, but there is also the possibility that artists, religious or followers of the religions of various cultures would create independently of the shape of the Star of David, 100 which after all is a simple and obvious geometric shape , which can be derived from the simple formula developed by Pythagoras, using the Golden section. Without taking into
consideration the studies carried out by Pythagoras, we find this figure
present in many ancient cultures of the planet and prior to the same
Pythagoras. The first traces, 101 as is now customary in our investigation, of
this geometric figure, have been identified in the ancient cuneiform writings
attributed to the Sumerians, whose dating makes them date back to the I Dynasty
of Ur (IV / III millennium BC). Its meaning is not only astronomical, in fact,
we also find it in the context of alchemical symbolism and associated with the
Philosophical Fire of the alchemists. The Egyptians, for example, knew it as
the Flaming Star, identifying it with Sirius. For the ancient populations of
Northern Europe and in particular among the Celtic populations, within which
the Druids, ancient priests of the privileged castes of the Gallic and Celtic
communities, the representation of the symbol of the pentalpha was intended as
a Spiritual Light. The same Sitchin in his elaborate theory, refers to an
engraving on a seal, classified VA-243,102 today kept in the national museum in
Berlin, Germany, on which we do not enter into the merits of the dispute
between the supporters of the theory of Sitchin and the academics who claim it
to be groundless, so let's go further. In the figure
above we have depicted that incision placed on a seal of the Sumerian era
which, according to Sitchin, would represent our solar system, what we have
instead noticed is the inclination of the hexagram that with respect to the
plane of the seal and its perpendicular North-South, it is inclined at about 10
°. At this point it is natural to ask why the ancient Sumerian scribes engraved
the representation of the sun by tilting its meridian of different degrees? We
tried to find other representations that had a particular inclination, that
approached or could explain this particular rotation, but without success, all
the finds that in the last century have been brought to light by
archaeologists, where geometric drawings and engravings emerge no scholar was
able to provide an exhaustive answer to this "anomaly" burdened by
such an excessive inclination. And we wonder if this recording was random and
if a message of some kind was concealed at the same time? And if so, could it
be an astronomical reference, as Sitchin states, or did the hexagram symbol
refer to the Anunnaki gods? The geometric shape of the rhombus, on the other
hand, is part of the concepts of Vescica Piscis, 103 so both figures have or
could have a connection with the religious sphere of the sacred feminine from
the Masonic and esoteric point of view, while, from a first evaluation, it is
more explicit the religious aspect imposed by the Church of Rome on all this
Etna territory, in particular in the district of the city of Paternò and of its
"Collina Storica", place where the messianic and Masonic address is
understood, understood in its feminine aspect. A figure so
elaborated, therefore, that unites a series of sites with a mysterious nature,
offers many points for reflection suggested both by the esoteric and the
religious panorama. However, with the stubbornness that sets us apart, we have
gone further, shifting our point of view to the modern concepts of physics, and
we asked ourselves: can this geometric figure be the symbolic expression of
those notions that today are an integral part of the concepts based on the
theory of relativity or on those of special relativity, which were expressed by
A. Einstein and other distinguished scholars, who, in the course of their
studies, developed or reworked these ancient basic principles expressing them
on a totally level different, that is scientific? Probably
yes. From this brief assumption all the information that during our investigation was the strengths that allowed us to elaborate that hexagram surmounted by another geometric figure with clear esoteric connotations emerge. And if today we are conjecturing the hypothesis according to which all the intersection points were stations of amplification of the energetic forces of the earth that added to the volcanic and telluric ones of the Etna, of the Marsili and to the volcanoes of the area of the Aeolian islands, converging in a single point, most likely they served to open a space-time door or Stargate. In fact, by superimposing the graphs of the relativity theory on the basis of the diamond, all the lines perfectly overlap with each other. What follows is one of the many graphs that emerged from Einstein's general relativity. However, it is not enough
to mark lines inside two abscissas, a workload is needed whose mathematical
calculations involve the broad panorama of the same relativity. And yet in all
this scientific logic, strangely, a whole series of coincidences that converge
in a single focal point emerges. In the vast area of the eastern Sicilian
side, involved in topographic triangulation, strangely, we find all those
systems of physical, dynamic, mechanical, electromagnetic and gravitational
induction, which would allow a physicist to calculate the point of
"escape" or access to a space-time door, as we highlighted in the
image below. Yet everything seems to fit like a huge puzzle. What has Einstein's theory to do with the Sicilian Demon valley? That it is a terrestrial map to indicate the place where the ancient gods arrived or left to move from one point to another in the universe, during the mythical divine war, which broke out in the second millennium, after the destruction of the space port on the Sinai peninsula? Any conjecture expounded up
to now would suggest that this is the case, but there is still one aspect that
we have not discussed, whose hypothesis could relate this new information to
the planetary perturbations that in August 1988, the calculations expressed by
US astronomers , led the latter to support the notion of the infamous Planet X.
From the Sumerian texts and translations made in the modern era, it emerged
that Anu, the ruler of Nibiru, divided the skies of the Earth into three parts:
the northern part that extended starting from the Tropic of Cancer to the North
Pole it was entrusted to his son Enlil, legitimate heir to the throne of
Nibiru; the southern part that extended from the Tropic of Capricorn to the
South Pole was assigned to Enki, the god / scientist who modified the human
genome, creating Homo Sapiens; finally the central part that included the area
between the two tropics left it for itself. The astronomers therefore,
following the calculations made on the perturbations recorded between Pluto and
Neptune and, later confirmed by the Voyager 2 probe, which had flown over
Uranus and Neptune, postulated the hypothesis according to which there would be
a planet external to the current system solar that is orbiting around the sun,
whose mass would be at least four times that of the Earth, having an inclination
of 30 ° on the ecliptic, with a semi-axis greater than about 101 UA
(Astronomical Unit). Advanced theory and supported in 1990 by the astronomer Robert S. Harrington, one of the greatest exponents of the U.S. Naval Observatory, (which collaborated with James W. Christie on the identification of Charon, a Pluto satellite), who announced to the American Astronomical Society, meeting in Arlington, Virginia, that a team of scholars had been sent to Nuova Zeeland, to try to identify the Planet X. The research of this group of astronomers foresaw the study of a particular area focused at a distance equal to three times the distance from the Sun with respect to Neptune and Pluto, in the direction of the southern skies, where presumably would be orbiting this unknown planet. As a result, astronomers have hypothesized that the unknown planet is following not only a retrograde rotation but has also established its direction: Southeast. At this point we could venture the hypothesis, according to which the topographic survey from which the complex geometric figure emerged, the same could be indicated or used as an indicator or astronomical pointer for the observation of the planet Nibiru or to establish the point of maximum approach and consequently contact with the Earth, after the destruction of the Sinai space ports? It would take a physician of declared fame to confirm these conjectures, but I do not believe that in Italy there is someone willing to put his image at risk over many years of study and research. If this happened and if all the amount of information we have collected over the years with skill and stubbornness were confirmed by the academic and scientific body, which I doubt, the implications of these truths would upset all the balances: historical, scientific, religious and social. It would also explain the presence of the ancient Anunnaki gods on Sicilian soil and, consequently, their colonization of the planet 450,000 years ago and the importance that the island held in the historical past, but above all the role it played and continues to play. to play in the ufological panorama of the planet, whose three-dimensional passage, emerged from our research, has marked that timeline commonly known as the sky-earth link, which allowed non-terrestrial space vehicles to use these space-time gaps or if you want "doors" or "Stargate", to move in space from one end of the universe to the other, to reach this wonderful planet. Yet a more in-depth analysis leads us to hypothesize that these space creatures have reached such a high level of knowledge that they are able to open up these space-time gaps in any place, one of which I myself have been together with my wife involuntary witnesses. A sequence of ten photos that testify to the phases of opening of a space-time gap and the consequent crossing of a mysterious figure that goes beyond it by climbing the steps, accompanying itself with a stick, very similar to a pastoral (see the two figures in clear and in negative, in the following pages). Consequently it is conceivable that their knowledge has reached such a high degree that it allows them to travel in space and time, both past and future, with such ease and simplicity, for them completely natural. Scientists who are not inclined to the theory of time travel, by working and drawing on all the knowledge made available by quantum physics, are still far from understanding how humans can travel in the past or in the future. However, by knowing the dynamics, where the past and the future coexist at the same time and place, therefore, coinciding with the present, they cannot find the right solution to this problem. Maybe in the future, far away, when you realize and accept all those theories, according to which forces and dimensions act in the universe, which go far beyond our elementary scientific bases. It is also true that human history is or should be a temporal continuum, yet in it a myriad of controversial factors have been triggered which contradict it, while historical voids ignite perplexities and doubts, which science itself cannot explain, those accepted they seem historical excerpts that suddenly appear to disappear in the meanders of time. So much to push a large number of modern scholars and researchers who, in the light of continuous discoveries, support the theory that the history of human civilization as told to us must be totally rewritten. Theory that I, among other things, share. Angelo Virgillito
giovedì 25 aprile 2019
La #creazione e il fattore #Reshus
Con immenso piacere vi informo che sulla rivista mensile XTIMES, edita dalla XPublishing, di Roma, nel prossimo numero di maggio, al suo interno troverete un mio nuovo articolo.
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